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ON THE AIR Middays with Zoe

Connected To Foster

Locations: 1709 Johnson Rd. Springdale, AR 72764
Phone: 479-228-2195

Email Address
Phone Number
Non-Profit Information
Organization Name
Connected to Foster
Organization Address
1709 Johnson Rd
Zip Code
Organization Phone Number
Organization Website
Is the organization a 501(c)(3)?
What is the organization's mission statement?
Build, Strengthen and Restore Arkansas Families for God's Glory
Tell us about your organization (how did it start, how is it run)?
Arkansas Baptist Children's Home and Family Ministries has served families in Arkansas for over 125 years and has expanded to multiple Christ-centered ministries across the state serving Arkansas families. Connected to Foster equips foster families to say yes to children from hard places. We place children in the highest quality foster homes because they are provided the highest quality professional services and practical support needed to successfully meet a child’s needs. Our goal is to have an eternal impact on the lives of vulnerable children and their families. Our homes become a place of hope and healing, not just a temporary landing place for children.
As the ministry of Arkansas Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries has grown over the years, the mission has remained the same: healthy families for healthy futures.
What services does the organization provide?
Connected to Foster is a fully licensed placement agency and works to train, license and open homes to meet the urgent need for children and families in crisis around the state providing both temporary care and permanent homes for children in need of a forever family. We provide trauma-informed education and personalized support for families as they walk through every step of the process from initial calling to receiving placement as well as provide ongoing support through advocacy, continued education and Christian counseling.
How can people get involved (volunteer opportunities)?
Ways to get involved with Connected to Foster include:

Foster Care
Respite Care
Birth Mom Advocacy
Support for current foster and adoptive families in the area