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The Real FM Podcast Network


Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they break down the on repeat song of the week from Tedashi, pause to talk about dream summer jobs, and look forward to spending some quality time...


In this spoiler-free reel review, Zoe covers the action-packed film The Fall Guy, starring Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt. The film is a love letter to the stunt community, filmmaking, and classic action films. That...


Confession (Episode 18)

What is confession, and why is it such an important part of practicing the Christian faith? Ansen and Chaplain Justin discuss how confession is so much more than just admitting all the bad stuff you've done.

Prayer for Brothers

Hi, please pray for my brothers for their salvation and reconciliation between the two of them. Also, would you please pray for one brother who he loses his job constantly, which could lead to him losing his car and home. My brother has nobody else, he has burned every bridge except with me.


Please pray an adoption will move forward for long term foster kids in Indiana so they can stay with the stable family that has raised and loved them most of their lives.

Real FM Blog


Check out our fresh finds for this week and let us know what you think! Listen to some fire new tracks from Rosa Linn, Lathan Warlick, The Young Escape, Gio, and Kings Kaleidsocope.


We told you it was coming, and here it is.  Another chance for you to win tickets to see Colton Dixon and Apollo LTD! We're keeping it simple. Just sign up to be a Real FM Insider by texting the word INSIDER to 833-433-REAL, and we'll enter you in a drawing for multiple pairs of concert tickets.


Colton Dixon and Apollo LTD are coming to Fayetteville, and Real FM wants to hook you up with tickets! To enter to win, all you have to do is download the Real FM App and tap the banner in the menu. Enter your details, and that's it.